I like the old app better I can’t even get this one to open anymore!!! So frustrating!🤬 !! I guess I have to find a new on
I like the old app better I can’t even get this one to open anymore!!! So frustrating!🤬 !! I guess I have to find a new on
I try to use the radar (best part of the app) on my iPhone and it crashes every time. Reinstalled multiple times. Help?
Before the update the app was great. It was up to date, easy to use and understandable. No the radar is so hard to understand, the time frames move so fast it makes useless. This used to be the best app. Now using the app that comes on your is a 100 times better and let’s be honest that isn’t much to compare too. 9&10 you can do better for your locals and watching areas! Please get it together, a lot of us miss having your user friendly app!!
Go back to the old version. This one doesn’t even compare. I’ve had to find a different weather app!!
I expected a whole lot more from the crew at 9&10. The radar....um no. The front page...come on man. Anyway I removed the app.
The new radar stinks! Everything else is great.
It has todays date and all yesterday’s info for over a week. Radar map doesn’t work. I’m using the weather app that came with my phone now.
This app was perfectly fine before and I miss every little thing about it! Please bring it back, especially the radar as it was so user friendly! I find myself using the iPhone weather and other apps more often. I would much prefer to use the local one.
This app is so disappointing. It’s not user friendly. The old app was so much better.
App was great before the update. Now it’s super hard to use and the radar map is so under detailed it’s like what’s the point of even having it. The old one was so much better.
This update is horrible! I don’t like anything about it. The radar is useless. I would advise against downloading. The previous version was much better.
on the old app i did not have one complaint other then yes it was a free app and they did have adds and they were repetitive. With the new update the 24 future view is was to fast can’t read the numbers at the bottom I tried customizing for my needs and still confusing to read because the map is now all white and all the words and numbers get lost with it. As a farmer who relies on it to determining what my next move for the 12 hours and beyond it’s frustrating. Im not the only farmer who said they have deleted the app I tried giving it a tried but given up on it.
Since the update this app is so difficult to use. I use to like to see the active weather as it is coming. The radar looks like it’s supposed to be for children. I hope the app goes back to the way it was
The latest update/change to the app is awful! I really wish I never updated. I will delete and look for ANYTHING else.
March 6th, 2023 Newest update is such a step backwards for this app. I’m so irritated with the layout that I have downloaded the weather channel app and use that instead. The descriptions aren’t even spelled right so obviously there’s no editing happening. The old version was great! This one is trash. 👎🏻
This newer version is horrible. The radar options are terrible. I would not have updated it had I known. Back to Weather Underground…
This update has destroyed this app. Like others have said I will be switching to a different app. I have used and recommended this app for years. It used to be user friendly especially the radar.
We live in snow country and there is nothing that tells me how much snow to maybe expect. 90% is great but where is the 4-6 inches or, less than one inch of accumulation descriptors? The radar has little definition and the personalized home feature is gone. Not of much use to me anymore.
It’s hard to believe the state of this app compared to what it was before this update
New update is horrible. This was the best weather app in the world until they changed the whole thing. When I asked if we could get the old version back I was told “it will NEVER be back” so I’m moving on to the competition. Up north live.
If you miss the old base app 9&10 used then go to "wzzm 13". Uses identical base app with the customization we used to have and is out of GR MI. Map type "dark, satellite, street", pick your own layovers, location, etc. IDK why folks have to destroy something that works. FYI: found wzzm 13 app from bad reviews from this new upgrade disaster. 9&10 bring back everything the old app offered or go back to the base app you used before plz!!!!!! Until, deleting this junk app.
With the other version of the app I was able to get cold weather notifications, as well as slippery road conditions, and thunderstorm watches. This doesn’t do any of them.
Not updating like it should. Check the current weather this morning and it’s giving me the weather still from early yesterday afternoon. Should automatically update but doesn’t all the time. The temp is saying 14 but it’s actually 3 degrees.
I don’t know who designed this update but you’ve ruined this ap. I used to Love this app & I'm going back to the weather channel.
The app was my favorite weather app. Then they did a complete redesign and this new version is terrible. The UI / look and feel of the app feels like something that was developed years ago. Nothing feels modern about the new UI and it is not nearly as friendly / easy to use. Even the most recent logo is awful. Who ever is the product manager that approved the design changes should be looking for a new line of work.
What did you do? Nothing works! Fix it! It is cumbersome to use and too many steps to get the information.
I’m not sure what inspired the change they made to their weather app, but they ruined it. I have will no longer use it and have deleted it. “Up North Live” will be my new go to for weather.
Downloaded ABC 13 weather app to replace this. It’s like how this app was before the update.
I’m so close to deleting this app after I’ve gotten all my friends and family using it the last few years. I can’t read the daily forecast because it’s like a cm big space and most of that is covered with an ad. The radar options are only 1 hour or 24 with no option for speed adjustment. The user friendliness of this is gone. Hopefully they realize people hate it and change it back. I’ve already had to download weather channel to use in the meantime.
I used to recommend this app to people because the old version was actually good. Everything was just set up so much better. This new update is awful to navigate. Was a 5 star app but not since the update!
I don’t care for update at all. I had all my locations in the old one, all wiped out. When I try to put in the locations again I’m to choose a location, all comes up gibberish, can’t read it and when I finally type the full location in they say I must choose from their drop down.. I would love someone to tell me how to do this… I end up on google search to find out the weather, ready to DELETE…….
Varying forecasts between area NOAA center and this app. Does not seem to be updated as promptly on weekends. Slow to load radar information on iPad.
I am very disappointed in this app. You went from a great app to junk! I will use other apps that are all better than this one.
Hate the new app. Wish they would bring back the new layout.
I’m disliking this new weather app update, so much so, that I’m searching for a new weather app to use. I can’t use it in landscape mode anymore on my iPad which is very annoying. It’s hard to navigate, the colors are bland which makes it hard to distinguish between rain and snow, and there is no link to easily find school closings either. I also liked using the old version as a kind of google earth. I could easily zoom in on any location to find land markings since the map used to be so clear and colorful. Please go back to the old version. Why change a good thing?
I use to love your app. Used it multiple times a day. Was my go to app for weather no matter where I went. Now I can’t even find my local weather. The app is cumbersome and way to bright. I can’t find my local school closings. Please bring back the previous version. I’m very sad to have to and find a new weather app.
I don’t like the updated app. The daily forecasts are now more difficult to read because of the white background. The radar map is less colorful. The app icon is so dark now, it’s difficult to see the logo. And the weather related school and event closings are gone! Poorly designed visuals make it difficult to read. Disappointing. Was a 5 star app but not anymore.
Please change the app back!! This new version is AWFUL!!!
I liked the app before the whole look of it changed. It now looks unprofessional and stupid. You should definitely change it back to what it was. I dont know who thought it looked good but they were wrong and have bad taste.
New updated app is terrible! Hard to navigate, no school closings & too hard to figure out what kind of weather is coming my way & when. Future forecasts too short too, we are looking for a different weather app 😩
I don’t like the new look, but I think it’s because the old app spoiled us with live video, snow day school closings, and lots of accurate weather items. The radar was easy to see and access was fast. I agree that changes always happen, but now I am searching for a new app that has what this app used to include.
Download wzzm13 weather app if you liked the old version of Doppler 9and10 •• I see that a developer actually just took the time to respond to somebody’s negative review with a response that makes absolutely no sense. Now deleting any app associated with 9&10
Another victim of the I.T. Dept meddling with crap and pushing an “upgrade”. I’ve worked for a couple of companies that were performing well and with happy employees that decided to go to “company 2.0” as an upgrade. Start crunching numbers, spreadsheets and spend millions on software - ruining the company. Take a hint here Doppler 9&10 team. Read your reviews.
Update is awful. Can’t even find the closings and delays,
Is there a way to go back to the old app? The newest update is a step backward in quality and information. Now, to change map settings I need to go to a different page. There’s no detail in the map. No loop (that I can find) to see the past - which has always the better way to see where the storm is headed then future cast. I can’t look at alerts without allowing push notifications. WHy would you downgrade your app?!?!? It was the best weather app out there, and now…. I’m more likely deleting it.
This was my hands down, go-to, absolute favorite weather app. After this update, no more! Do not like this new interface. Wish I had checked the screen shots before updating. Switched to UpNorthLive! Happy camper now :)
Absolutely no comparison to the old app. Loved the user friendly features of the old one. Radar is terrible. I can’t say anything nice so I shouldn’t be saying anything at all. VERY DISAPPOINTED
My wife has the old version and it says on Thursday 1/19/2023 Tracking a potential winter storm with snow totals of 3-5 inches chance of snow 90%. New version says chance of snow 50% no storm no totals nothing mentioned. I can look at a weather app from Grand Rapids down state and get a more accurate forecast. Maybe I should watch a Detroit channel for my news as well.
New update is terrible. Too white and hard to understand the radar. They also got rid of the school closings feature. I’m deleting!!